Elevator pitch, describe yourself in less than 2 sentences?
Eternally optimistic yet grounded in reality. Carole’s on a mission - to make the human dynamics which get in the way of delivery more visible so we can get higher productivity and better outcomes with less stress.
Best advice you’d give a young Project Manager in how to balance work and personal life?
You wouldn’t ask a lumberjack to chop trees for long hours, day after day with no break. Project work is no different – it has to be sustainable.
What, according to you, is an important skill for a project manager to succeed?
The ability to step back and ask, ‘what’s really going on here – for you, for me and for the project as a whole?’
Best advice you were ever given as a young aspiring project manager?
Trust Your Judgement and if you’re really not sure, run it by someone you trust.
What part of the project do you find most “interesting and/or challenging”?
Working with all the pesky people stuff that goes on beneath the surface and bringing it into the open to find a way through.
What have been the biggest challenges in your career to date?
Finding my feet after managing myself out of an all-consuming and impossible role.
What has been the proudest moment in your life so far?
Catching sight of my daughters - I wrote a poem about it.
Alec’s funeral
I saw you differently today
Two grown women
Framed in sunlight
Flash Questions
Agile, Waterfall, Wagile or?
Put uncertainty on the table and we can span the great Agile- Waterfall divide
Cause you’re Passionate about?
Preserving our Democracy and transparency in digital campaigning
Favourite Movie?
The Great Hack
What’s the best book you’ve ever read?
Mindsight – the new science of personal transformation, by Dan Siegel
Other Jobs you’ve had in the past?
Waitressing (taught me all about human dynamics)
Designing Inhalers for Asthmatics